Our Success

Empowering Business

Since 2010 Progravida nibh vel velit auctor alinean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor.

Get insights only Google can give

Access Google unique insights and machine learning capabilities to help get the most out of your data.

Make your data work for you

Process and share your data quickly with an easy-to-use interface and shareable reports.


Choose Pricing Plan


25$/ Per Month

  • Bot & Domain Limit- 1
  • Message Quota- 1000
  • User Info Collection
  • Cloud Integrations
  • Theme Customization
  • Chat Styles
  • Export Chat
  • Email Chat
  • Crawl Limit- 25
  • Upload Size Limit- 10 MB
  • Priority Support
  • Geo & IP Tracking
  • Chat Summarization
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Training Data Refinement
  • Dedicated AI Teams
  • Priority Support
Get Started

50$/ Per Month

  • Bot & Domain Limit- 1
  • Message Quota- 1500
  • User Info Collection
  • Cloud Integrations
  • Theme Customization
  • Chat Styles
  • Export Chat
  • Email Chat
  • Crawl Limit- 75
  • Upload Size Limit- 20 MB
  • Priority Support
  • Geo & IP Tracking
  • Chat Summarization
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Training Data Refinement
  • Dedicated AI Teams
  • Priority Support
Get Started

75$/ Per Month

  • Bot & Domain Limit- 4
  • Message Quota- 2500
  • User Info Collection
  • Cloud Integrations
  • Theme Customization
  • Chat Styles
  • Export Chat
  • Email Chat
  • Crawl Limit- 150
  • Upload Size Limit- 50 MB
  • Priority Support
  • Geo & IP Tracking
  • Chat Summarization
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Training Data Refinement
  • Dedicated AI Teams
  • Priority Support
Get Started